No matter who a player’s favorite is, everyone is always looking out for who the next Survivor will be in Dead by Daylight. With a regular onslaught of new Chapters, there’s never that long to wait until someone new pops along.
In Dead by Daylight, four Survivors must battle for their lives against an insurmountable Killer. They can’t fight the Killer but can escape them by activating generators and opening the gates to escape. Each Chapter adds a new Survivor for you to play as, and this guide highlights who the next new Survivor(s) will be.
Related: All hatches location – Dead by Daylight
Dead by Daylight Alien Franchise Crossover Revealed
The next Survivor in Dead by Daylight is Sable Ward, a friend of fellow Survivor Mikaela Reid. Behaviour Interactive has revealed that the next Chapter coming to the game is an original creation, bringing a new Survivor and Killer based on the game’s long-standing lore into the fray.
The reveal trailer for the Chapter, All Things Wicked, shows Sable exploring an abandoned movie theatre. She discovers fog that’s slowly seeping in from somewhere suspicious, and it appears as though she’s taken by The Entity soon after.
Exploring Sable Ward in Dead by Daylight

As mentioned above, Sable Ward is an original character to the Dead by Daylight universe, a friend of the Survivor added with Chapter 21.5: Hour of the Witch. She feels guilty for her friend’s disappearance and sets out to find her, hoping to escape the town where she lives in the process. However, she’s quickly caught by The Entity and dragged into the Fog, likely because of her knowledge of the occult and close relationship with Mikaela Reid.
Sable Ward adds a new Perk type to Dead by Daylight, Invocations. These require players to activate a salt circle in the basement and sacrifice something to earn a huge boost to their team. The Perks she adds reflect her cunning and intelligence.
Invocation: Weaving Spiders costs players health states while applying progression to all generators, Strength in Shadows gives Survivors the power to heal without Medkits, and Wicked helps Survivors recover from the Mangled state faster.
The downside of Sable’s Perks is the need for her to be in the basement within the salt circle to activate them. If the Killer understands how she works and uses that to their advantage or uses a Perk that reveals Survivors in the basement, then they can easily work around what Survivors are attempting to do.
Published: Feb 20, 2024 12:48 pm