A new season is coming in Pokemon GO, and Niantic just released the first details on what we can expect from the World of Wonders. Per usual, we’ll see some new Pokemon debuts, featured Pokemon for the season, and other surprises throughout the next few months.
When we got the first teaser for the World of Wonders season in Pokemon GO, fans were a bit skeptical given the inclusion of only Kanto Pokemon. However, it looks like the season won’t focus just on Gen 1, with featured Pokemon from across the generations involved in the event. Let’s take a look at what we know so far about the next season in Pokemon GO.
Related: Pokemon GO Pokemon Horizons Celebration Event: Dates, Pokemon Debuts, and Bonuses
When Is the World of Wonders Season in Pokemon GO?
The World of Wonders season starts on March 1 and will run through June 1 2024. In other words, we’re basically there already!
Events for the next few months will be a part of this season, as will our community days. There are plenty of exciting changes that will keep the game feeling fresh as the season turns over.
Pokemon GO World of Wonders Special Research Featuring Poipole

The Special Research story for the World of Wonders season in Pokemon GO will feature the Ultra Beast Pokemon, Poipole.
According to Niantic, players will “be able to adventure and bond” with this Pokemon across the season. The new Special Research story will be available starting on March 1 and players can claim it at any point until the season ends on June 1.
Pokemon Debuts in the Pokemon GO World of Wonders Season
In addition to Poipole, we will also see the Pokemon GO debut of several Paldean Pokemon as part of our first event in March, the Pokemon GO Pokemon Horizons Celebration Event.
The debut Pokemon featured in this event are Charcadet, Armarogue, and Ceruledge. A new Pikachu costume is also coming to Pokemon GO in the form of Pikachu in Cap’s hat.
In addition, new Shadow Pokemon will make their debut in Shadow Raids. We will see Shadow Raikou, Shadow Entei, and Shadow Suicine in Five Star Raids, including the debut of Shiny Suicine, Shiny Raikou, and Shiny Entei.
Paid Season Ticket for Pokemon GO World of Wonders

There will be an optional paid season ticket for the World of Wonders season, which includes Pokemon encounters, a new avatar item, and seasonal Timed Research.
The exact details for the ticket haven’t been announced, but if the image from the news post is any indication, we will see Beedrill, Galarian Slowpoke, and Cacturne as part of the paid ticket. It also looks like the avatar item will be a hat themed after Poipole.
The ticket isn’t yet available in the in-app store or Pokemon GO web store, but will likely be available at the start of the new season on March 1.
Pokemon GO World of Wonders Community Day Dates
Get out your calendars, Pokemon GO fans, because we’ve got our next few Community Day dates! We will have Pokemon GO Community Days on the following days this season:
- March 16
- April 7 (Community Day Classic)
- April 20
- May 19
The featured Pokemon for these Community Day events haven’t yet been revealed, so stay tuned for more details!
Pokemon GO World of Wonders Featured Pokemon in Field Research Encounters

With the changing of the seasons in Pokemon GO, we get an influx of different Pokemon appearing as encounter rewards for Field Research. Field Research tasks for the World of Wonders season in Pokemon GO will lead to encounters with these Pokemon:
- Hisuian Sneasel
- Furfrou
- Goomy
- Sandygast
- Jangmo-O
- Dubwool
Of these, only the first three can currently be Shiny in Pokemon Go.
Pokemon GO World of Wonders Featured Pokemon in Wild Encounters
We’ll also see some turnover in terms of the Pokemon that appear in wild encounters across different areas. There’s a lot to cover here, so let’s break it out by the different areas so you know where to go to hunt for all those Pokemon we haven’t seen in a little while.
Area | New Seasonal Pokemon Encounters |
Cities | Togetic Gardevoir Delcatty* Gulpin Stunky Purrloin Scraggy |
Forests | Jumpluff* Absol Elgyem Phantump Dewpider Fomantis Pawmi* |
Mountains | Magcargo* Phanpy Nosepass Medicham Duskull Carbink* Noibat |
Beaches / Water | Quaqsire* Shuckle Surskit Clamperl Inkay Clauncher Tadbulb* |
Northern Hemisphere | Hisuian Growlithe Mawile Bagon Snivy Tepig Oshawott Litleo |
Southern Hemisphere | Hisuian Voltorb Chikorita Cyndaquil Totodile Skarmory Larvitar Electrike |
Pokemon indicated with an asterisk can’t be Shiny, but all the rest are game for your Shiny hunting goals. Every area has “and more!” listed, which means Niantic is keeping a few Pokemon encounter surprises in store for trainers.
Pokemon GO World of Wonders Featured Pokemon in Eggs

Egg-hatching fans, we’ve got some new options for what will hatch from those eggs during the World of Wonders season. Let’s break it down by the egg distance.
Egg Distance | Featured Pokemon |
2 KM | Togepi Gothita Solosis Larvesta* Fletchling |
5 KM | Lickitung Sableye Roggenrola Larvesta* Skrelp |
5 KM (Adventure Sync) | Gligar Mantyke Tirtouga Archen Phantump |
7 KM | Alolan Vulpix Galarian Slowpoke Galarian Farfetch’d Paldean Wooper Galarian Stunfisk |
7 KM (Routes) | Hisuian Growlithe Paldean Wooper Hisuian Sneasel Pawniard |
10 KM | Larvesta* Goomy Turtonator Charcadet* Frigibax* |
10 KM (Adventure Sync) | Dratini Deino Goomy Turtonator Jangmo-o* |
Pokemon GO World of Wonders Season Bonuses
Throughout the World of Wonders season in Pokemon GO, trainers will get the following special seasonal bonuses:
- Increased damage for Pokemon participating in raids with friends
- One extra free raid pass per day when spinning photo discs at gyms
- Increased XP for winning One-Star and Three-Star Raids, including Shadow Raids
Looks like this season’s bonuses have a pretty raid-centered theme, so get out there and enjoy your raids if you can.
Pokemon GO World of Wonders Battle League Updates & Schedule

New seasons in Pokemon GO also bring new events in the Pokemon GO Battle League. The new Battle League season begins on March 1 at 1 PM PST.
With the end of the previous season, players will receive end-of-season rewards for the previous season and will have their Battle League Rank reset. Requirements to rank up for this season will be the same as last season.
This season will bring a new schedule for the GO Battle League, as well as new rewards, encounters, and avatar items. It’s so much info, we’re breaking it out into another guide on its own.
Published: Feb 28, 2024 10:57 am