With a new season in Pokemon GO comes a new season in the GO Battle League, and the World of Wonders is no exception. When the new season begins, we’ll have a new series of tournament events and bonuses in the GO Battle League as well.
The Go Battle League lets players compete to increase their rank, and that rank resets at the start of a new season. That means trainers will want to get to battling when the new World of Wonders season begins in the GO Battle League if they want to climb up the ranks. Here’s a look at the GO Battle League tournament schedule and updates for this coming season in Pokemon GO.
Related: Pokemon GO World of Wonders Season: Dates, Pokemon Debuts, and Seasonal Bonuses
GO Battle League World of Wonders Reset Details

When the new season in Pokemon GO begins on March 1, players can expect the following start-of-season updates in the GO Battle League:
- Players will receive their end-of-season rewards for the prior season from the battle screen
- All trainers’ ranks in the GO Battle League will be reset
The rules for ranking up are staying the same this season, so no major changes there.
Go Battle League Schedule for the World of Wonders Season
Throughout the World of Wonders season, we’ll have a packed schedule of different leagues and cups to keep trainers busy with battles. Here’s the full schedule for what to expect with the GO Battle League
Dates | GO Battle League: Active Leagues & Cups |
March 1-March 8 | Great League Electric Cup: Great League Edition |
March 8-March 15 | Ultra League Spring Cup: Great League Edition |
March 15-March 22 | Master League Spring Cup: Great League Edition |
March 22- March 29 | Great League Ultra League Master League |
March 29-April 5 | Great League Ultra Premier |
April 5-April 12 | Ultra League Jungle Cup: Great League |
April 12-April 19 | Master League Jungle Cup: Great League |
April 19-April 26 | Great League Ultra League Master League |
April 26-May 3 | Great League Master Premier |
May 3-May 10 | Ultra League Great League Remix |
May 10-May 17 | Master League Great League Remix |
May 17-May 24 | Catch Cup: Little Edition Catch Cup: Great League Edition |
May 24-May 31 | Great League Ultra League Master League |
Special Events in the GO Battle League World of Wonders Season

During GO Battle Weekend on Saturday, May 4 to Sunday, May 5, players will get special bonuses for participating in the GO Battle League. These bonuses are:
- Quadruple the amount of Stardust from win rewards (not including end-of-set rewards)
- Increased maximum number of sets from five to 20, letting players take on a total of 100 battles during the event period
Players in the Pokemon GO Go Battle League can also expect bonuses for the 2024 Pokemon Europe International Championship, Wednesday, April 3 to Sunday, April 7. During this time, players will be able to participate in ten battles per day rather than the standard five.
Go Battle League World of Wonders Season Rank Up Encounters
During the World of Wonders season for the GO Battle League, players will be able to encounter the following Pokemon in guaranteed Rank-Up encounters:
- Primape (Rank 1)
- Poliwrath (Rank 6)
- Deino (Ace Rank)
- Goomy (Veteran Rank)
- Jangmo-o (Expert Rank)
- Pikachu in a Libre costume (Legend Rank)
Deino, Goomy, and Pikachu Libre can be Shiny encounters.
GO Battle League World of Wonders Standard Encounters
Throughout the World of Wonders Season in the GO Battle League, trainers can encounter the following Pokemon at their designated ranks.
Go League Rank | Standard Encounter Pokemon |
Rank 1 | Machop Marill Gligar Grubbin Skwovet* |
Rank 6 | Frillish Carbink* |
Rank 11 | Alolan Marowak Lickitung Phantump Mareanie* |
Rank 16 | Vullaby Wooloo* Falinks* |
Rank 20+ | Raid Bosses currently active in Five-Star Raids |
Ace Rank | Goomy |
Veteran Rank | Deino |
Expert Rank | Jangmo-o* |
Most of these Pokemon can be encountered in Shiny versions in Pokemon Go, except for those marked with an asterisk.
Go Battle League Cups for World of Wonders

There will be a total of eight different cups during the GO Battle League World of Wonders season. Each cup has different rules and certain Pokemon may be excluded. For the dates that each cup will run, please see the season schedule above.
Here’s what we know about the cups for this coming season.
Electric Cup: Great League Edition
This cup will allow only electric-type Pokemon at or below 1500 CP. The following Pokemon are excluded from participating:
- Stunfisk
- Heliolisk
- Charjabug
- Vikavolt
Spring Cup: Great League Edition
The Spring Cup will allow only water, grass, or fairy-type Pokemon that are at or below a 1500 CP. Pokemon excluded from the Spring Cup are:
- Mantine
- Toxapex
Ultra Premier Cup
For the Ultra Premier Cup, Pokemon have to at or below 2500 CP. Trainers cannot use Legendary or Mythical Pokemon or Ultra Beasts in this competition.
Jungle Cup: Great League Edition
The Jungle Cup will allow entry of Pokemon at or below 1500 CP. The following types are permitted to enter this competition:
- Normal
- Grass
- Electric
- Poison
- Ground
- Flying
- Bug
- Dark
Excluded Pokemon for the Jungle Cup in the GO Battle League are Gligar and Galarian Stunfisk.
Master Premier Cup
The Master Premier cup does not have a CP limit, making it quite the challenge. However, Legendary Pokemon, Mythical Pokemon, and Ultra Beasts are not permitted to enter.
Great League Remix
Pokemon at or below 1500 CP can enter the Great League Remix. Whichever Pokemon are most used by Trainers at or above the Ace rank in the Great League up to this point will not be eligible to participate in the Remix. In addition, these Pokemon are not allowed:
- Alolan Sandslash
- Wigglytuff
- Lickitung
- Lanturn
- Azumarill
- Umbreon
- Skarmory
- Vigoroth
- Medicham
- Whiscash
- Altaria
- Registeel
- Deoxys (Defense Form)
- Bastiodon
- Galarian Stunfisk
- Talonflame
- Trevenant
- Charjabug
- Skeledirge
- Clodsire
Catch Cup: World of Wonders: Little Edition
This cup is centered on those little Pokemon you snagged during the current season. Pokemon at or below 500 CP can enter the Catch Cup: Little Edition, and they must be critters you caught during the World of Wonders season.
Catch Cup: World of Wonders: Great Edition
This cup also focuses on the Pokemon you caught during the current season, but with a higher CP cap of 1500 CP. You can only use Pokemon caught during the Pokemon GO World of Wonders season in this cup.
Go Battle League New Attacks for World of Wonders

This season, trainers will be able to use some new attacks in the GO Battle League. Here are the three new fast attacks, along with the Pokemon that can learn them.
Metal Sound
This fast attack has a power of three in trainer battles and six in gyms and raids. It can be learned by:
- Magnemite
- Magneton
- Wormadam (Trash Cloak)
- Bronzong
- Magnezone
- Klink
- Klang
- Klinklang
This fast attack has a power of three in trainer battles and four in gyms and raids. The following Pokemon can learn Psywave in Pokemon GO:
- Mr. Mine
- Misdreavus
- Lunatone
- Solrock
- Mismagius
- Inkay
- Malamar
Sand Attack
Sand Attack has a power of two in trainer battles and four in gyms and raids. Of the new fast attacks for the GO League, it has the most Pokemon that will be able to learn it. They are:
- Sandshrew
- Sandslash
- Alolan Diglet
- Alolan Dugtrio
- Zizagoon
- Linoone
- Trapinch
- Vibrava
- Flygon
- Cacnea
- Cacturne
- Starly
- Staravia
- Staraptor
- Hippopotas
- Hippowdon
- Lillipup
- Herdier
- Stoutland
- Furfour
- Sandygast
- Palossand
Go Battle League Attack Updates & Availability for the World of Wonders Season
At the start of the new season, the GO Battle League often makes changes to how moves work in battle. This season has five moves that will be tweaked.
- Shadow Bone will have a slight power increase in trainer battles, shifting from 75 power to 80 power.
- Brick Break will have an energy cost increase and will also now be guaranteed to lower the defense of the opponent by one stage.
- Cross Chop will be increased in power from 50 to 55 in trainer battles.
- Aqua Tail will also move from 50 power to 55 power in trainer battles.
- Water Pulse will increase from 70 power to 80 power in trainer battles and will have a decreased energy cost.
The World of Wonders season will also bring some expansions to which Pokemon can learn certain moves.
- Goodra will be able to learn Aqua Tail
- Empoleon will be able to learn Steel Wing
- Feraligatr can learn Shadow Claw
- Gallade can learn Psycho Cut
- Araquanid can learn Water Pulse
- Throh, Sawk, Krookodile, Crabrawler, Crabonimable, Hakamo-o, and Kommo-O will all be able to learn Brick Break
- Diglett, Dugtrio, Graveler, and Golem will be able to learn Mud Shot
- Starmie can learn Psybeam
- Kirlia can now learn Draining Kiss
- Lileep can learn Bullet Seed
- Gastrodon will be able to learn Earthquake
Published: Feb 28, 2024 01:32 pm