There are many bows for you to try out in Elden Ring. While most bows in the game are normal, some of them have great power. The Erdtree Bow is one of the bows that stands out amongst the others thanks to its holy damage. Every arrow that you fire from this bow deals holy damage as well as physical damage. This weapon comes equipped with the Mighty Shot weapon art that allows you to fire armor-piercing arrows. Overall, this bow is worthwhile if you are going for that faith build. Here is how you can get the Erdtree Bow in Elden Ring.
Acquire The Erdtree Bow

To obtain this weapon, you will first need to make your way to the Capital City. To gain access to this area, you will need to collect the Great Runes of at least two bosses. Before reaching the Capital City, you can get the Great Runes of Godrick, Rennala, Rykard, and Radahn. Once you have at least two Great Runes, make your way to the wall of the Capital City and defeat the Draconic Tree Sentinel to gain access.
Now that you have entered the city, your goal is to reach the Erdtree Sanctuary Site of Grace. You can do this by progressing through the city to the giant dragon statue. Make your way to the statue’s wing and climb it. This will lead you to the West Capital Rampart Site of Grace. From there, go up the tree roots to reach the Erdtree Sanctuary.
Before you have access to the Site of Grace, you will need to defeat Godfrey. Once you defeat him, go outside to the balcony and use the tree root to access the second floor. After getting on the wooden balcony inside, go outside and turn left. Jump onto the rooftop and go through the open window. From there, you will find a chest. Open the chest to obtain the bow.
Published: Jul 24, 2024 07:30 am