If you want to get into the Gerudo Sanctuary in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, chances are that you’re on a quest—read on to learn everything you need to know about the Gerudo Sanctuary.
The Gerudo Sanctuary is an underground cave, located beneath some ruins in the Gerudo Highlands Region, and it plays an important part in two adventures you’ll be able to participate in during your time in Hyrule. Both Rotana and Koltin may send you to the Gerudo Sanctuary. There are two entrances to the sanctuary which lead to different locations below. Each task requires the use of a different entrance.
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How To Prepare for the Gerudo Sanctuary

Before you head out to the Gerudo Sanctuary, there are a few things you should know. Be prepared to run into enemies, more specifically Electric Chuchus, Gibdos, and Black Lizalfos.
Electric Chuchus are slow moving and can usually be taken down with one hit. But be sure to use a ranged weapon—they can explode and it’s best if you stay clear when that happens. After they are defeated they drop Yellow Chuchu Jelly which has a variety of uses, so be sure to pick it up.

Gibdos are much more of a threat, and the Sanctuary and the area around it is their natural habitat. These eerie creatures can be difficult to defeat, but if you throw a Fire Fruit or Shock Fruit at them first they become more susceptible to your attacks.

Black Lizalfos can also make your life very difficult if you aren’t prepared to face them. They will attack in teams, so it’s in your best interest to separate them and take them on one at a time whenever possible. They don’t have any particular weaknesses, but they do need to take time between attacks. Once you get into the rhythm you can take them out in no time.

Pay attention to your surroundings and do not pass up the opportunity to collect some resources. You can find Amber, Bomb Flowers, Brightbloom Seeds, Flint, and Glowing Cave Fish in the Sanctuary.
Where Is The Gerudo Sanctuary
The Gerudo Sanctuary is located in the North Gerudo Ruins. The North Gerudo Ruins are in the Gerudo Highlands Region and can be found West of the Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower. Within the ruins is a North and a South entrance to the Sanctuary. Both are holes from displaced blocks that go underground. The North and South entrances lead to different spaces in the Sanctuary and you cannot use one to access the other. Sorry, no shortcuts!
If Koltin Sent You…
Go for the South entrance. The South entrance is subtle and easy to miss, so keep your eyes peeled. One missing stone in the ground serves as an entrance to the pit which leads to the Sanctuary below. You can simply leap down and then you’re in.

Inside the Sanctuary, you can find a Bubbulfrog. Listen for the croaks and then look up, it’s on the wall. Once you defeat the Bubbulfrog, you can collect its’ snowflake-shaped Bubbul Gem and bring it to Koltin, who wants to use the gems in his attempt to transform into a Satori and get yourself some cool gear.

If Rotana Sent You…
Go to the North entrance. This is the main entrance into the Gerudo Sanctuary in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, so it’s much larger and easier to spot than the Southern entrance. You should be able to spot it easily, look for a large pile of displaced blocks around a pit. But there’s a catch, you need to complete the Heroines’ Secret quest and be given the eighth orb to access the Northern part of the Sanctuary.
Likely, you have done this already. You must drag the giant eighth orb and deposit it into the hole to open the main gate. Once you jump down, you will see where to deposit the orb. If you throw it into the pit, there’s a good chance it will naturally land in the correct spot and open the gate to the rest of the Sanctuary.

Inside the Sanctuary, you will find items to loot and, at the end of the sanctuary, you will see the Statue of the Eighth Heroine and a tablet you can read. Read it, then return to Rotana to tell her what you’ve found. You will be given a diamond as a reward for completing The Mysterious Eighth side quest.
Published: Feb 20, 2024 11:44 am