There are few things more annoying than being in the middle of a mission in Helldivers 2 and getting hit with the “Current Network Connection Has Been Lost” Error. It effectively breaks the game and forces players to quit, and nobody wants that.
Few online games are blessed with no errors to speak of. Helldivers 2 is, unfortunately, no exception. It has its fair share of errors that impact players, and they’re far from easy to handle. The “Current Network Connection Has Been Lost” Error might be the worst of them all because it forces players out of their mission. That means all progress to levels, Super Credits, and furthering the cause of every Helldiver out there is lost for no reason at all.
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How to Fix the “Current Network Connection Has Been Lost” Error in Helldivers 2

The only way to fix the “Current Network Connection Has Been Lost” Error in Helldivers 2 is by pressing the Continue button, getting booted back to the player’s ship, and jumping into a new mission.
When we experienced this error, we quit the game and restarted our PS5 just to be safe because we knew our network connection was fine. At the time, we were using the internet with a smartphone and computer, so we were sure all connections were functioning. The only issue we could think of that might have caused the error to pop up was the Helldivers 2 servers disconnecting briefly.
Causes for the “Current Network Has Been Lost Error” in Helldivers 2

The main cause for the “Current Network Connection Has Been Lost” Error in Helldivers 2 is believed to be a connection interruption between the user and the game’s servers. Around the time of the title’s release, there were multiple issues bringing the servers down, though they went back up incredibly quickly.
That doesn’t change the fact that it only takes a small disconnect for the error to occur and kick players out of a mission. We’ve had this happen well into a 40-minute mission, and it’s the most infuriating thing in the game. Even worse than the highest difficulty mode.
If players see this issue popping up multiple times, they should check on the official Helldivers 2 Twitter account to see if an error or server problem has been reported. It will be broadcast there before anywhere else if so. If there’s nothing of note about the servers there, players might need to check on the official PlayStation Twitter account just to be sure.
Published: Feb 10, 2024 03:58 pm