Masks and Mask Lines are two of the core features in Enotria: The Last Song. Each Mask comes with a few buffs and gives you an advantage if you meet certain conditions. While you can use any mask to create a build better suited to its stats, in this guide I have listed 5 best masks in Enotria: The Last Song that you should not sleep on.
5. Mask of Change

How To Get: To get Mask of Change, defeat the ‘Force of Change’ boss after the tutorial section in Enotria: The Last Song.
Mask of Change is the best starter mask in Enotria: The Last Song and can easily carry you through the mid-game.
You get increased heavy attack weapon damage by wearing or using this mask. This is especially devastating on enemies when you unleash heavy attacks using a Greatsword.
Additionally, your character gets increased Physical Power while in the Awakened state. You enter the ‘Awakened’ state by performing a finisher move on an enemy or a boss, which is achieved by filling up the Unraveling meter (stance meter as seen in blue color near the health bar).

4. Vermiglio’s Mask

How To Get: You can get Vermiglio’s Mask by defeating Vermiglio boss. If you have reached this boss in the game already and are struggling to defeat it, we recommend reading our Vermiglio boss guide.
If you are making an Elementalist build that centers around using the Ardore Power, then you must use Vermiglio’s Mask in Enotria: The Last Song.
Every time you use the Ardore Burst ability, it will increase the Ardore Power for a short duration. This is great when you are using ranged projectile abilities that scale with Elemantalist stat.

3. Fisherman’s Mask

How To Get: To get the Fisherman’s Mask, you will need to defeat many Fisherman enemies. Every time you beat them, you can receive the Fisherman mask fragment. When you have collected enough fragments, you will unlock the Fisherman’s Mask in Enotria: The Last Song.
Finishing blows tend to eliminate opponents quickly. While most masks increase your Physical or Ardore Power, the Fisherman’s Mask in Enotria: The Last Song increases the damage you deal using finishing blows.
However, to get the damage buff on finishing blows, you will also need to equip just one weapon with this loadout. Otherwise, this buff will not trigger.

Secondly, while in the Awakened state, your Physical Power is also increased while wearing the Fisherman’s Mask in Enotria: The Last Song.
2. Zealot’s Mask

How To Get: To get the Zealot’s Mask, you will need to complete the Custode’s questline. You meet this NPC when you reach the first Reality Knot in the Falesia Magnia region. After that, you meet Custone again near the Coliseum where you fight Giangurgolo. After defeating Giangurgolo, go back to the nearest shrine, where you will find Custode standing near the tree, wear the Giangurgolo mask, and interact with the NPC. This will complete the questline and you will get the Zealot’s Mask in Enotria: The Last Song.
There are many build possibilities in Enotria: The Last Song including a glass cannon build. The Zealot’s Mask is easily the best mask if you want to deal as much damage as possible at lower health.
One of the first effects of this mask is that you get increased Physical Power if your health is below a certain threshold. This effect allows you to not fill up your health and continue hitting the enemy or a boss harder with an increased damage buff.
The second effect of Zealot’s Mask is that you will not die but will be left at 1HP during the Awakened state. Do note that this effect does not remain active all the time and you must be in the Awakened state to get the benefit.

1. Guise of Zanni

How To Get: You get the Guise of Zanni Mask by defeating Zanni, the First Mask. This is a story boss that you cannot miss and can be found in the Theatre area.
Since Enotria: The Last Song does not have shields to block damage and you heavily rely on dodge and parry, it is easy to get hit and run out of Armonia Amber charges. Luckily, the Guise of Zanni Mask helps you a lot on that front.
Guise of Zanni Mask is by far the best mask in Enotria: The Last Song. By wearing this mask, you get an increased amount of Armonia Amber charges. This helps you stay in the fight against bosses longer and your chances of coming out victorious from the arena become high.

The extra Armonia Amber charges also help you while exploration as you are bound to run into a lot of enemies and before you reach the next Reality Knot, you can die due to insufficient health.
Additionally, the ‘Grand Celebration’ mask line, arguably one of the best mask lines in Enotria: The Last Song, can only be equipped if you are wearing the Guise of Zanni mask.
Using this mask line allows you to conjure a big hammer and crush your target. The animation takes more time than most mask lines but the damage dealt is very high – which makes equipping this mask line while wearing the Guise of Zanni an absolute necessity.
That is everything about the best masks and how to get them in Enotria: The Last Song. Now that you know it all, we also recommend you continue reading Enotria: The Last Song Beginners guide, best settings guide, and the game review.
Published: Sep 15, 2024 03:43 pm