Added a new code!
The Mystery Gift system is a great way to receive several rewards from the Pokémon Company while playing Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. These rewards can vary from helpful items to exclusive Pokémon earned through a pre-order bonus. There are several Mystery Gift codes you can redeem for various rewards. This guide covers all Mystery Gift codes for you to use in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
All Mystery Gift Codes in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
All Working Mystery Gift Codes
- SEEY0U1NPALDEA—Redeem for Paldean Winds Episode 4 of a Gimmighoul (New)
- TEAMSTAR—Redeem for Paldean Winds Episode 3 of a Revavroom (New)
- L1KEAFLUTE—Redeem for Cetitan with the Ferocious Mark
- SLEEPTALKW0RLDS—Redeem for Tomoya Ogawa’s 2023 World Winning Sylveon
- 909TEAMUP06—Redeem for Fuecoco
- NA1CTR1CKR00M—Redeem for Nils Dunlop’s Porygon2
- F1ARR0W23MASTER—Redeem for Violet Talonflame
- D0T1STPARTNER—Redeem for Dot’s Quaxly
- GYARAD0S2023SG—Redeem for a Gyarados
- 987W1THSPECS—Redeem for a Flutter Mane
- L1KEAFLUTE—Redeem for a Cetitan
- NATSUN0T0KKUN—Redeem for Sandwich Ingredients
- LEVELUP—Redeem for 10 Rare Candy
- REV1VE—Redeem for 5 Max Revives
- CATCHBYBALL—Redeem for 5 Nest Balls, 5 Dusk Balls, 5 Dive Balls, 5 Timer Balls, 5 Stealth Balls, and 5 Luxury Balls
All Expired Mystery Gift Codes
- GETY0URMEW—Redeem for a Mew
- THA12022CHAMP – Redeem for a Shiny Grimmsnarl
- TERATYPECHANGE—Redeem for 50x Fighting Tera Shards
- TREASUREHUNT—Redeem for 10x Nugget, 10x Rare Candy, and 1 Friend Ball
- ROCKANDBATON—Redeem for TM116 – Stealth Rock & TM132 – Baton Pass
- LEVELUP—Redeem for 10 Rare Candy
- REV1VE—Redeem for 5 Max Revives
- CATCHBYBALL—Redeem for 5 Nest Balls, 5 Dusk Balls, 5 Dive Balls, 5 Timer Balls, 5 Stealth Balls, and 5 Luxury Balls
- PTCCHAMP10N2122—Redeem for a Gastrodon in Cherish Ball with Ribbon
- 1STCHAMPSV — Reward: Oceania International Championship Garganacl
- L0VEL0VEL0VE — Reward: Two Love Balls
- HAPPYVALENT1NE — Reward: Destiny Knot
- LETSTERA — Reward: TM171 – Tera Blast
- TOKUSE1STUDY — Reward: Ability Capsule
- 1TSUPT0Y0U — Reward: League Points, Comet Shard, Star Piece or Stardust at random
- G0FR1ENDLYSH0P — Reward: League Points, Comet Shard, Star Piece, or Stardust
- BEFASH10NLEADER — Reward: League Points, Comet Shard, Star Piece, or Stardust
- ENJ0YG0URUMET — Reward: League Points, Comet Shard, Star Piece, or Stardust
- HAMCHEESE — Unlocks: 5x Whipped Cream, 5x Jam, 5x Yogurt, 5x Peanut Butter, and 5x Marmalade
- READY4RA1D — Reward: 20k LP
- SALTV1NEGAR — Reward: 5x Chili Sauce, 5x Jalapeño, 5x Curry Powder, 5x Wasabi, and 5x Horseradish
- PEANUTBUTTER — Reward: 5x Bacon, 5x Ham, 5x Prosciutto, 5x Chorizo, 5x Herbed Sausage, and 5x Hamburger
- LETTUCEBAC0N — Reward: 5x Bacon, 5x Ham, 5x Prosciutto, 5x Chorizo, 5x Herbed Sausage, and 5x Hamburger
- T0MAT0SL1CE — Reward: 5x Whipped Cream, 5x Jam, 5x Yogurt, 5x Peanut Butter, 5x Marmalade
- HAJ1ME0R1G1NAL — Reward: 5x Peanut Butter, 5x Prosciutto, 5x Hamburger, 5x Cream Cheese, and 5x Noodles & Rice
Mystery Gift codes to use in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
When you’re ready to redeem any Mystery Gift code, you can visit the Poké Portal in your main menu and scroll down to the Mystery Gift icon. From here, you will be asked what method you want to receive the code, and you will want to select the Code option.
Related: Can you get a shiny Charizard from Tera Raids in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet?

You can redeem these codes to earn multiple items while playing Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
- Special Pikachu (Flying Tera Type) – The Flying Tera Pikachu was a pre-order bonus. You can redeem it as a download through the internet option if you pre-ordered Pokémon Scarlet or Violet, and you will have a chance to grab it.
- Adventure Set – The Adventure Set went out as a special code to players who grabbed the game when it launched when purchased through the Nintendo eShop. You will need to check the email connected to the Nintendo Account and redeem the code.
We will be updating this list as more gifts are available from the Pokémon Company. There won’t be too many redeemable gifts or codes, but there should be a handful of limited-time events for players to receive throughout Scarlet and Violet’s life cycle.
Published: Nov 23, 2024 10:41 am